Chan (Lead PI)
Creating Better Proximal Substance Use Risk Measures by Applying Deep GANs and LLMs to survey and EMA data
Role: Co-Investigator (1.5 person months)
Levine (PI)
SOBERAI: A Personalized AI Sponsor for AUD Recovery
Role: Consultant (1.5 person months)
Nebraska Department of Corrections
McChargue (PI) (2 person months)
Examining the Effect of a Restorative Living Intervention for Incarcerated Individuals on Work Release
Internal COBRE Center Pilot Grant (P20GM130461)
McChargue U Ramanurthy (Multiple PIs)
Developing an Advanced Technology for Emotion and Affective Change eplatform (AT-REACH) for People Recovering from Substance use Disorders
Role: Lead PI (1.5 person months efforts)
$50,000 07/01/23-06/30/25
D40HP45675 HRSA (McChargue: Co-I)
Advancing Graduate Psychology Education in Primary Care
$695,544 7/01/22-6/30/25
Sherwood Foundation Grant (McChargue: Outside Consultant)
Restorative Justice Intervention and Restorative Circles of Support/Accountability-Nebraska Corrections
$450,000 1/1/22-2/31/25
NIH NIAAA R21 (McChargue: Co-PI)
Mapping the co-evolution of Craving, Affect, Stressors, and Access to Alcohol (CASA) using responsive EMA
$262,500 5/10/21-4/30/24
____Internal Pilot Award (Rural Drug addiction Research COBRE)
(McChargue: Co-Investigator)
Somatic Avatar: Investigating Creative and Movement Tools for Emotoin Identification and Regulation among those Recovering from Substance Use Disorders
$50,000 7/1/21-6/30/23
Nebraska Collegiae Prevention Alliance/DHHS (McChargue: PI)
Digital Avatar Social Media Campaign to Reduce College Substance Use and Related Harm
$15,000 1/14/22-2/27/23
Native Center of Alcohol Research and Education (McChargue: Co-I)
Feasibility and Impact of Distance American Indian Peer Recovery Coaches
$40,000 7/1/19-6/30/21
NIDA (McChargue: Co-I)
The Impact of Marijuana Use on Brain and Cognitive Function in HIV-infected Patients
$306, 208 8/116-7/31/18
University of Nebraska-Lincoln Faculty Seed Grant Award (McChargue: PI)
Genetic Markers, Binge Drinking, and Alcoholism Risk
$9,912 1/1/07 – 12/31/07
University of Nebraska-Lincoln Layman Award Grant (McChargue: PI)
Cigarette Smokers, High Blood Pressure, and Stress
$10,000 6/1/06 – 5/31/07
VA Merit Review Grant (Spring: PI) (McChargue: Co-I)
Influence of Nicotine on Affect in Smokers Vulnerable to Depression
$845,600 10/1/02 – 8/31/06
NIH/NIDA Mentored Clinical Scientist Development Award (McChargue: PI)
K08 DA00467
Depression-Prone Smokers and Cigarette Craving
$586,225 9/1/00 – 8/31/05
VA Merit Review Entry Program Grant (McChargue: PI)
Depression-Prone Smokers, Dysphoria, and Cigarette Craving
$321,000 4/1/00 – 6/1/02